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Grey Wolves in

the Northern Rockies

After watching the Introductory Video that provides ecological and historical background about wolf conservation, students use real-world data to evaluate whether gray wolves in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming have met Recovery Criteria. Using GIS data, free GIS software, and our GIS Tutorial, students map the locations of gray wolf packs throughout the Northern Rocky Mountains to evaluate the degree to which gray wolves have expanded geographically.  Students also learn about the different stakeholders involved with wolf conservation.  As a capstone activity, student groups share findings with their peers and participate in a mock stakeholder meeting.


You can download these documents and print them out for support during class

Teacher Guide 

Complete Guide to help the teacher work through the course material and use available resources efficiently 


Answer Key

All graphs and cells values in data set 

Lesson Overview

You can view, download and Print these documents to distribute to your students 

Part 1 

Introductory Video 1:

Wolves in Montana 




Part 3 (Individual)

Student Material for Individual Activity 

Part 2 

Introductory Video 2:

Wolf Hunting Season

Part 3 (Group)

Group Activity 8


Create three Grizzly bear science teams aiming at reproduce how science team in real-time wildlife managements operate to resolve problems and answer questions. 

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