Student Scientist Series
These lesson plans have been aligned with Next Generation Science Standards, Common Core State Standards, NSES National Science Standards, and NCTM National Math Standards. For a complete description of standards, click here
Grade Level: 9-12
Using six real-world data sets, students work individually, in three Science Teams, then as a class to determine whether or not the Grizzly Bear population in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem is biologically ready for delisting.
Grade Level: 9-12
How do you create a balanced, unbiased lesson plan about wolves? Invite pro-wolf, anti-wolf, science and industry stakeholders to the table. That’s exactly what we brought forward for this lesson plan!
Grade Level: 7 - 8
The Wild Sheep Foundation asked Bear Trust to develop a STEM conservation lesson about bighorn sheep, using some of the same techniques we use to develop curricula about bears.
Grade Level: 9-12
This unique lesson plan provides data and questions on polar bears and the effects of global warming on northern fauna. It challenges student to understand multiple perspectives on a controversial issue and welcomes critical thinking.
Grade Level: 7 - 8
Very soon, wood bison will be restored back into the Alaskan wild. To celebrate this historic event, we wanted to find ways to include Alaskan youth in the restoration process.
Grade Level: 9-12
Using the scientific method, real-world GIS data, and ArcMap GIS software (download for free; look in Teacher Guide for instructions), students map location data for wild bears, create home ranges, graph data, calculate habitat use and selection, interpret findings, and answer conservation questions that have conservation implications for endangered wild bears living in Taiwan.
Grade Level: 7 - 8
After watching the introductory video that provides historical, biological, and conservation/management context for the lesson, students are grouped into six research teams and each team is assigned data from, and a case study about, one Nevada bighorn sheep herd.
Grade Level: K - 8
The Bear Essentials Curriculum Guide includes nine STEM lessons designed to help teach ecological and conservation concepts, meet National Science Standards, and introduce students to the scientific process. It's a great starting place for teachers new to Bear Trust's plans!
Grade Level: K - 3
"It's a Wolverine's Life" is a fun and interactive way to teach students basic facts about Wolverine. This lesson plan is based on a unique and interesting predator that is often overlooked.
Grade Level: 6 - 8
This lesson is brought to you by Into the Outdoors. In this activity, students will research and debate different stakeholder group values in developing their own hunter ethical code that may be applied to various hunting scenarios. Their codes will teach responsibility and consider the needs of all humans, wildlife, and natural resources on Planet Earth when recreating.